It’s the start of a New Year and that means our social media feeds are littered with everyone raving with the “new year, new me” posts. These are great since who could argue when someone says they want to improve? I used to be one of those people too. A new year meant a fresh start, a new beginning.
But until the New Year also comes with a magic button with the power to erase bills, responsibilities, and cellulite, I am going to go ahead and bet that anyone that really thinks that just because the year changes that their life will is in for a rude awakening.
So for those of us that would like to partake in the resolution tradition in the New Year, but also live in the real world, here are a few realistic ideas for resolutions that you just might actually stick to.
Squats when tidying up
Children are slobs. They have zero concept of why it is important to put their toys away and as a result, they will leave their things everywhere. Absolutely everywhere. Assuming you don’t enjoy stepping on toys and getting a twisted ankle, you probably spend a good amount of time tidying up. When doing so, you could (dare I say) easily squeeze in a teensy workout. Each time you have to pick up a toy, do five squats. By the end of the day you could easily get a solid hundred squats in.
Disconnecting to reconnect
I am addicted to my phone. It’s stupid and unnecessary but it has become a haven for me when I am pretty much just alive, so always! In the New Year, resolve to disconnect while with others. While eating dinner. While at the store. Whenever you don’t NEED to have your phone in your hand.. put it down. Start small and build yourself up if needed, but simply put your phone down.
Yep. That’s really Tabatha, her husband and 2 kids squished up into that chair HAHA! During their “put the dang phone/electronics down” time.
Disengage from stress-inducers
While breaking your phone-habit, try to break the hold of social media. I have slowly been disengaging with social media outlets that don’t serve a direct purpose to me or contribute to my already-too-high anxiety levels and you know what? I feel better.
Don’t go to bed with dirty dishes in the sink
It is amazing how waking up to a cleanish house can positively affect the rest of your day. Or so I have heard! Resolving to do something as simple as not going to sleep with dirty dishes in the sink could lead to a better start for the next day. This simple task could potentially remove that stress of seeing them in the sink in the morning, leaving you feeling lighter and more productive in the morning. I just might start this tomorrow!
Commit to daily laundry
Sounds crazy right? But consider this. Washing, drying, and (gulp) FOLDING one load a day means you aren’t scrambling to get it all done at one time. Dirty laundry doesn’t pile up and clean laundry gets handled quicker. Before having 5 people in my house and the insane amount of laundry that comes with that, I used to think that doing laundry one day a week was good enough. Now if I try to do that I get so overwhelmed with the mounds of clothes that I just don’t do it. Not particularly effective though.
Or, keep being you!
Of course, no one says you have to resolve to do anything. Got a good thing going? Keep it going then!
Tabatha Sue Photography | Parma Heights OH Newborn Photographer | North Royalton OH Newborn Photographer |
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